The "Bonito del Norte" (White Tuna, Albacore) capture, dates several centuries ago when small wooden boats from the Cantabrian ports came out fishing with the art of "Curricán" or "Cacea" (both are angling techniques).
Traditionally both techniques were the style used by fishermen fishing in the north of Spain, until the mid 20th century that started fishing with the technique of "bait alive".
This technique means that the "Bonito" is fished "one by one", allowing you to select those individuals of better quality. Furthermore, these techniques do not involve incidental catch of other species or deteriorate the seabed.
This fishing takes place from June to October, when the specimen is at its optimum moment of size and fat. Is at this time of the year when the ships are heading to the Bay of Biscay, which concentrates the most important center of "Bonito del Norte" (White Tuna, Albacore) fishing.