
We inform you that your personal data will be introduced in an automated database owned by "Hijos de Serrats S.A." This database is equipped with security measures in accordance with the Regulation on Security Measures, in relation with the collected data. "Hijos de José Serrats, S.A." is located in Polígono Landabaso 3B, 48370 Bermeo (Vizcaya) Spain. "Hijos de José Serrats S.A." informs you that it is possible to accede to, rectify and cancel the personal information supplied to "Hijos de José Serrats, S.A.". In order to exercise these rights and others that you may deem of interest, you should send a registered letter to the following address: Polígono Landabaso 3B, 48370 Bermeo (Vizcaya) Spain.

The aim of the collection and processing of your personal information is to offer the service required and/or to supply the information that you may need. In addition your personal information will be dealt with the maximum confidentiality, in order to send electronically or by other traditional means, future commercial communications, unless the you show the opposite to us.

(Ley Orgánica 15/1999 de Protección de Datos. Ley 34/2002 de Servicios de la sociedad de Información y Comercio Electrónico).

Address: Hijos de José Serrats, S.A., "Conservas Serrats". Polígono Landabaso 3B. 48370 BERMEO
Ph.: 946 187 280
Fax: 946 881 151